Bread Soup

Bread soup can be made in different ways – boiled in broth, beer or milk. Of course, the flavour always came out differently. According to the concept of a healthy lifestyle back in those days, bread soup was considered a health food.

It was a filling dish that was also suitable for fasting. Therefore, bread soups were often served at the monasteries in Vilnius. Bread soup with the crumb of rye bread was a common dish on the tables of Vilnius’ townspeople.

You will need:

  • 200 g rye bread (without the crust)
  • 700 ml liquid (beer, chicken or any other broth, or whole milk)
  • salt
  • 100 g butter (if using beer)
  • 1/2 tsp caraway seed (if using beer)


  1. Bread soup with broth: boil the bread in the broth and add salt.
  2. Bread soup with beer: boil the bread in beer with caraway seeds and butter, then add salt.
  3. Bread soup with milk: boil the bread in the milk and add salt.

This information was shared by Rimvydas Laužikas.

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