Nelson’s Zrazy were named in honour of Admiral Horatio Nelson, and this name quickly took root, as it had become fashionable in the emerging bourgeois restaurant culture to name dishes after military commanders. One of the first recipes for Nelson’s Zrazy was written by Vilnius’ Wincenta Zawadzka in 1858.

You will need:
  • 5 kg beef tenderloin
  • 3 tbsps. butter
  • 2-3 onions, chopped
  • 400 g bread, diced
  • salt
  • 8-9 dried mushrooms
  1. Tenderise the pieces of beef tenderloin, salt lightly, and leave to stand for a couple of hours. Grease the bottom of a saucepan with a thick layer of butter. Add the onions, followed by a layer of bread, a layer of beef, another layer of butter, another layer of onions, another layer of bread, and then a layer of dried mushrooms. Layer like this until the saucepan is full. Finish the layering with a thick layer of butter sprinkled with a few pieces of bread and onions.
  2. Cover the saucepan and simmer over low heat, carefully shaking it so that it doesn’t burn. After a while, the beef at the bottom can be pulled out to the top so that it stews better. The dish is ready when the meat is tender.
Serve with fried potatoes. This information was shared by Antanas Astrauskas.
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