What is the connection between some of the world’s most prominent composers and Vilnius? To mark Vilnius’s anniversary, special pieces created for the capital of Lithuania were played in different spaces throughout the city. As part of the immersive exhibition, participants got to know the personalities and creative worlds of the composers working on the “Music for Vilnius” project: Anna Korsun (Ukraine), Michael Gordon (USA), Heiner Goebbels (Germany), Agata Zubel (Poland), Ivan Fedele (Italy), Toshio Hosokawa (Japan), Beat Furrer (Austria). Each element of the exhibition was a separate story inviting participants to discover the composers and the spaces they selected in Vilnius – ones that inspired them to write exceptional music.
Date: 26 January 2023.
Time: 16:00.
Address: Composers’ House (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29).
Organiser: Meno Genas.
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